Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Crummy Day Turned into an Inspirational one

When I woke up this morning and realizing that I still hadn't won the lottery over the weekend, I thought to myself... when is that day going to come by when I don't have to get out of bed and go to work for somebody else?

The more I thought about it the more frustrated I became. I thought hmmmm.... maybe if I had of listened to my parents and continued with my education - I would've been where I'd love to be by now.
So... anyway... dreading the 45 min drive to downtown Calgary, stopping at almost every intersection we drove by, and having to listen to my nagging boyfriend (which makes it all that much more unbearable), made me even more frustrated than I ever was.
I got to work at 7:55 AM and already have a tone of work to do.
Sometime at or after 9:00 AM I had a nice talk about life with my boss (super cool by the way) who was also on the same page on where we should be in life, (so grateful for that).
Sitting there and chatting away, not really working, and worrying about how I am going to make the deadline for the day, (I made it though), we both thought why, why can't we just be RICH??? That’s when we started brainstorming non-sense get rich schemes. Things that a person wouldn't normally think about we thought about. The conversation got so pointless that we decided to get back to work. As the day drrrraagggggged.... like literally dragged on by a co-worker - who is also a friend, came up to visit. Yes... I stopped working again at that point.
The conversation we had was much more realistic then my prior convers... The topic was about blogging.
I don't remember how it came up and why... all I remember was that I was interested about the idea all over again. I was aware of blogging before this conversation started. In fact I had an account but deleted it because I was stuck in a black hole and did not know where to start - even if my life depends on it. We talked until our shift was almost over, she made me realize that I don't need to be a professional to blog, I don't need to be a somebody to blog, I could simply blog about my life, my ideas, or anything I want to blog about and most importantly it can be fun.
Nonetheless she inspired me so much that I decided that today would be the day I am going to pick up where I left off and continue on with it until there is no such thing as technologies.
Wow that was fun!!! I posted my very first blog.

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